February 2, 2021 - Ross Video Team, Ross News

Signal Processing Tech Talk Recap

Last week, our Signal Processing team hosted a Tech Talk event where they dove into Ross Video’s infrastructure solutions for Cloud Technologies, IP Networks and SDI Infrastructure. Joining the team was Mike Pappas, Vice-President of Business Development with Orban Labs and Thomas Welch, Director of Linear Solutions with The Nielsen Company. They discussed how cloud-based signal processing infrastructure has provided content providers with the ability to adapt to the ever-changing media landscape. Our team also revealed the latest product introductions and upgrades to their expansive portfolio.

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In case you missed the live show, you can watch the presentation on-demand or you can quickly catch up with our top takeaways from the event.

softGear Platform Summary

During Ross Live Season 1, our Signal Processing Team introduced softGear. As a software-based media processing platform, softGear offers traditional broadcasters and other content providers the flexibility to build and scale production workflows quickly in order to adapt to rapidly changing programming opportunities. As part of the softGear platform, the team recently announced new feature releases for the Broadcast Audio Processor (BAP), the Nielsen Watermark Encoder for IP Networks (NWE-IP), and the Radio and Streaming Audio Processor (RSAP). These core softGear products have been strengthened by our partnership with companies like Nielsen, Orban and Dolby, as each of these partners provide best of breed microservices processing.

softGear Partners

When speaking with our softGear partners, they began by highlighting the major benefits of moving towards software-based media processing.

“Cloud processing allows our customers to quickly and easily spin-up new broadcast services that are more cost-effective than traditional methods,” said Tom Welch of The Nielsen Company.

Mike Pappas of Orban added to that sentiment by explaining that “moving away from broadcast environments that are heavy on IT infrastructure provides huge cost savings associated with equipment and ongoing maintenance.”

With a long history of developing products with open standards such as openGear, partnering with Ross on softGear made sense for both Nielsen and Orban since it allows their team to help shape development, ensuring a faster deployment of new programming features for the end-users.

As technology continues to evolve, and with the movement towards server or cloud-based solutions in the broadcast industry, “softGear provides a clear and easy migration path from server to cloud” says Welch.

IP Infrastructure

With the growing shift in the industry towards IP infrastructure, users can build out on-premise infrastructure today which will be more easily moved to cloud infrastructure tomorrow. IP unlocks the flexibility of software-based processing. Facilities can migrate their current SDI infrastructure to IP in stages, protecting existing investment while providing extensible growth for the future. The control plane is often one of the biggest challenges in this migration, so Ross is pleased to offer consolidated control solutions supporting both SDI and IP simultaneously, leveraging the industry-standard NMOS API suite.

What’s New in Our 12G-SDI Portfolio?

While Ross continues to grow its IP offerings, the Signal Processing team is still very much committed to supporting our customers’ existing SDI infrastructure needs. As a result, we’re pleased to introduce AMX-8952, which provides a cost-effective solution to help facility engineers and system integrators solve audio embedding and synchronization problems in HD and UHD. As the newest member of our openGear portfolio, AMX-8952 further strengthens Ross Video’s commitment to developing a range of 12G-SDI products.

What Else is New?

Our 4K branding and master control platform, MC1 UHD, has been upgraded with a whole new set of features, including 2D DVEs, Tally System integration, emergency alert system support, audio processing profiles, voice-over support and integrated support for discrete audio. To add to all of that, version 2 of MC1 UHD now has flexible licensing options so that you can tailor its functionality to suit your production application.

For more information about our 12G-SDI portfolio, click here.

Keeping Your Options Open

With the rapid evolution of technology happening in our industry, it can be a bit dizzying with all the choices. Fortunately, Ross is ready to help you whether you’re ready to deploy cloud technology, build out your IP infrastructure, or migrate to UHD with simple and practical 12G-SDI. All of these solutions can be managed through a common control infrastructure, so you can be assured that your decisions today will carry forward as you grow in the future.

Interested in more?

We’ll put you in touch with a member of our team to discuss your specific needs.