Launched in 2016, our Tria Express clip server has underpinned many important broadcasts and live events. Over the past five years, it has provided our customers with a rock-solid server solution, but a lot has changed in the world of live productions since Tria Express was introduced. One common theme that has continued to arise through feedback from our customers is that many small to mid-sized productions who may be more budget-conscious feel underserved by existing server solutions. Specifically, when speaking to many of our customers in the corporate and house of worship markets, they have shared their frustration with the existing low-reliability products that have become the norm within their workflows. As Jeremy Bagwell, our Business Development Manager for Worship Production rightly stated, “everyone has been burned by GPU-based playback at some-point.”
As a response to the feedback from our customers, we took a long hard look at Tria Express and asked ourselves, “what can we do to build upon this product and also make it more versatile for a wider range of live event applications?” We immediately recognized that we needed to move beyond a solution that acted primarily as a switcher companion; we needed to develop a bonafide production server at a more affordable price point.
With this in mind, we immediately got to work on re-engineering Tria Express. Our development team moved around some encoders and decoders, they added more functionality, and they did it all with our existing hardware to streamline the manufacturing process and keep costs low for our customers. The result of this work is a powerful, reliable, and feature-rich compact video server that’s been built for you: Tria Express Duet!
As a versatile server solution, Tria Express Duet offers broadcast-level quality and reliability. Built on rock-solid hardware and available at an unbeatable price point, we consider Tria Express Duet to be the most powerful compact video production server on the market.
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When diving into the functionality of Tria Express Duet, our customers will immediately notice that we have made space for both a two-channel model (two symmetrical channels that can record or play) and a four-channel model (two symmetrical channels that can record or play, plus two play-only channels).
Beyond the added channel flexibility, we also recognized the need to develop features that matched and exceeded what is expected of video servers today. As such, we have added timecode chase, time delay, clip countdown, and a whole lot more!
I hope you’re as excited about Tria Express Duet as I am! The Ross team has worked hard to evolve our server product line, and with Tria Express Duet we feel that we have created a compact video production server that is well-positioned to solve the production challenges faced by our customers across various markets and workflows. Most importantly, Tria Express Duet was built for our customers using their direct feedback, so please reach out to Ross Video today to see how Tria Express Duet can help you take your production to the next level!