March 8, 2024 - Erica Watts, Industry Trends

Career Advice from 8 Women Who Made it in Broadcasting

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we asked eight accomplished women driving innovation at Ross Video what advice they would give the next generation looking to succeed in the video production industry.  

Here’s what they said. 

1. Network and Seek Mentorship

The importance of networking and finding support from others who have achieved what you want to achieve is a common thread among our industry experts. 

Stacey Moorcroft, Director of Business Operations – Sports & Live Events, emphasized the need for networking and mentorship: ” The two pieces of advice I give any woman looking to get into any tech space would be to Network and find Mentors. Not only do networking and mentorship provide access to opportunities as you gain a foothold in the industry and look to grow, but they can also offer spaces to be your authentic self and validate your experience.”  

Keri Willis, Director of Business Operations at Ross Production Services, advises: ” Network as much as you can to meet new people from all backgrounds and with different talents, ask questions to get others talking about what they do (so you know if that’s something you’re interested in!), follow your own passion and ensure you love what you do, set boundaries when needed (this can be an especially hard one for women, especially working mothers), and support other women – always.” 

2. Trust Yourself and Be Open-Minded

Trusting in oneself and maintaining an open mind are key factors in achieving success. 

Erica Watts, Director of Communications, underscores the importance of self-belief: “Trust your instincts. No matter what point you’re at in your career, there will come a time when you doubt yourself. Have faith in yourself, you’re on the right path.” 

Chee Nwosu, R&D Operations Specialist, Team Lead, advises keeping an open mind: “Keep an open mind. You most likely have skills that you can utilize in the video production industry.” 

Hayley Farrar, Demonstration Artist and Trainer – EMEA, recommends courage: “Be brave. Brave doesn’t necessarily mean tough or loud, it’s about taking up space and backing yourself.” 

3. Be Curious and Pursue Your Passion

Curiosity and a passion for learning are crucial for success in any industry, particularly one that is evolving as rapidly as video production and broadcasting. 

Maryam Tse, VP Product Development, encourages a broad curiosity: “Be curious about technology, people, sports and entertainment, how things work behind the scenes, how to optimize the way things are done. Connect with people from many walks of life. Imagine what the world might look like 20 years from now, and think about how we can create the future.” 

Hui Min Seow, Technical Support Specialist, APAC, also emphasizes following your passions: “Do not be afraid to pursue your passions. When you are doing what you enjoy, you tend to excel at it.” 

Karen Walker, VP at Camera Motion Systems, highlights the industry’s diversity: “This industry is so diverse, from filming famous and not-so-famous people, to creating innovative technology and solutions, there is something for everyone to get passionate about. You can make a difference.” 

Women are propelling the broadcast industry forward. By amplifying women’s voices and contributions, we believe we can drive innovation and broadcast technology, contributing to a more equitable and vibrant industry. If you’re a woman looking to start a career in video production, be willing to network, trust your instincts, keep an open mind, and pursue your passion, and you will be on track for success. 

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